Couldn't this be solved by having a headers table like this?

Create table headers(
        hid serial primary key,
        physmessage_id int not null,
        header varchar not null,
        value varchar not null,
create index headers_physid_header on headers(physmessage_id,header);

This would let us do the following:
Select value from headers where physmessage_id='4' AND header='From';

Actually, normalize this one step further for a rather large space savings (and potentially a speed boost):

CREATE TABLE headers (
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX headers_name_udx ON headers(name);

CREATE TABLE header_msg_map (
  physmessage_id INT NOT NULL,
  header_id INT NOT NULL,
  value TEXT NOT NULL,
  hdr_order INT2 NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (header_id) REFERENCES headers(id)
CREATE INDEX header_msg_map_idx ON header_msg_map(physmessage_id, header_id);

How many "From", "Message-Id", "Date", "Subject" headers do you think there are in a typical dbmail install? Whatever that number is, replacing it with a 4 byte value would be much better than whatever the current setup is. Anyway, when a message is inserted, rip out the headers, stuff new, unknown headers into the headers table, then stuff the message into header_msg_map. I added a the hdr_order column that way it'd be possible to do something like 'SELECT, hmm.value, hmm.physmessage_id FROM headers h, header_msg_map hmm WHERE = hmm.header_id ORDER BY hdr_order' to retrieve the headers in the same order they were sent to the system. The headers table would grow infinitely for the most part. Anyway, just my $0.02.

On average, most headers are going to be more than 4 bytes... if someone knows how to figure that out, the difference in bytes would be roughly the difference of the following pseudo queries: 'SELECT 4 * COUNT(*) FROM total_num_headers' and 'SELECT SUM(LENGTH(msg_headers)) FROM all_headers'.

If someone points me in the right direction, I'll crank out the code necessary to make that happen. -sc

Sean Chittenden

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