
I've reverted _ic_sort behaviour to pre-2.0.3. Can you confirm this wrt twig?

This has given me something to think about:

- Leif interleaved the sort with the search code. There are some valid reason's for doing so, but we need to treat the search arguments fundamentally differently from the sort keys, where they are currently part of the same struct. Messy.

- Given that my understanding of the current sort code is less than perfect, I suggest that the sort keys *not* be used for search commands, as is now (partly) the case. Instead, the search keys should be used for determining the result set, and next the sort keys should be used for reordering the set. This, it seems, would require the search run to use the sort keys for retrieving all the message attributes that will later on be used for sorting.

Paul J Stevens wrote:
Aaron, I added those lines because charset us-ascii sort is required by the rfc. What is the exact sort command used by twig? I can add that one to the test script and fix this. Also, please test the new sort/search improvements (bug #149) with twig, to validate the changes *before* we release 2.0.4

Anyway, I think I will fix bug #97 in the 2.0 branch after all. The fixing of bugs #149 and #97 combined will probably make dbmail's searching and sorting actually usable. At least that's my experience from running tests on cvs-head.


Reported By:                aaron
Assigned To: ======================================================================
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     166
Category:                   IMAP daemon
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             24-Jan-05 09:42 CET
Last Modified:              24-Jan-05 09:43 CET
Summary:                    IMAP sort breakage in 2.0.3
Description: Upgrading to DBMail 2.0.3 broke my IMAP client, TWIG. I typically use
reverse arrival date sorting (newest first). The sympton is that
absolutely nothing appears in the email list, nor is there a count of

Non-reversed arrival date sort works alright, although the change below
subtlely alters the order of emails in non-reversed.

Commenting out the following lines from imaputil.c, in build_imap_search,
lines 2225-2227, fixes it.

//      } else if(sorted && (strcasecmp(search_keys[*idx], "us-ascii") ==
0)) {
//              /* TODO */
//              (*idx)++;

This appears to have been added by Paul between 2.0.2 and 2.0.3. I'll dig
up some logs if you'd like!

Bug History
Date Modified Username Field Change ====================================================================== 24-Jan-05 09:42aaron New Bug 24-Jan-05 09:43aaron Description Updated ======================================================================
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