Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
Paul J Stevens wrote:

Aaron Stone wrote:

If we're still keeping with the Linux kernel-style version numbers, then
2.1.0 is a release only developers should be touching. Even if 2.1.0 is
rock solid, I fail to see how that benefits regular users -- the current
release plan on the wiki (albeit from Nov. 2004) says that you want to do header caching in 2.1.1.

True. But before I move on the 2.1.1, I need a 2.1.0 release first right?

Just to confirm (since I'm still unsure), you are saying that 2.1 is for development not production right?

Absolutely!!! The whole 2.1.x series will be a development series, whereas 2.0.x will be for stable production systems. Until 2.2.0 happens at the end of the 2.1 drive.

  Paul Stevens                                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Netherlands________________________________

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