Yikes, I was a) giving my position and b) defering to Paul anyways, who
happens to agree with you and already pulled the generated stuff out.

I'm interested to know what was incomplete, though.


On Wed, Feb 23, 2005, Geo Carncross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 16:13 +0000, Aaron Stone wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2005, Geo Carncross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> said:
>> > If I'm expected to generate them, can we remove the following from CVS?
>> [snip autotools generated files]
>> > They just mess me up when I'm trying to clean out for updates.
>> There's two schools of thought on this, I once read: keep generated files
>> in CVS, or don't keep them in CVS.
> Fine. Keep them in CVS. I don't care.
> I _do_ care about having _incomplete_ files in CVS. As I said, _IF_ I'm
> expected to generate them, please remove them. If they're going to be
> generated on a common system, fine, but keep them _ALL_ in CVS.
> I don't mind doing an aclocal/autoconf/automake when mucking about with
> new files or configure.ac (and friends).
> I wouldn't care if I never had to do that either. auto* is vommit. like
> vommit, it's serving a purpose, and everybody's got it, but like vommit,
> nobody really likes to mess with it after it's happened. I don't think
> your feelings on the subject are unreasonable- deputize a shared system
> to manage this stuff so others don't have to.
> But right now, I'm following HEAD. Since EVERY TIME I build dbmail I
> have to regenerate these files, I'm also touching them. That means cvs
> diff shows junk that I didn't write.
> That means, I'm taking lots of trips to the CVS server to find out what
> I _AM_ touching so I can produce concise patches in a reasonable amount
> of time.
> Put them in, take them out, I don't care. Just stop the incomplete crap.


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