Geo Carncross wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 10:51 +0200, Paul J Stevens wrote:

>>No. It is pretty much required for getting at the base-subject as
>>required for SORT and THREAD (draft-ietf-imapext-sort-17).
> No it's not. I [have] used:
> to implement threading (same as in imapext-sort) without using regex at
> all.

Thanks for the URL. Nice reading. Jamie rulez. Still, anything can be done
without regex. And parsing base-subjects is no rocket science. But I like regex
:-) and wanted to try my hand at using them in c-code.

>>>I'd say that PCRE is the way to go.
>>I spent all day yesterday trying to build a rather complicated pattern
>>with regex. No good. With pcre, it's a breeze ... once you get the hang
>>of the api :-)
> If this is the only place we've got regex, then I'll be happy to rewrite
> it.

Currently the *only* place that uses (posix) regex is the namespace code in
imap. I just finished a working implementation of base-subject retrieval using
pcre, but that's not in svn yet.

  Paul Stevens                                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Netherlands________________________________

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