On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 10:48, Sam Przyswa wrote:

> >Unless your program is getting back the rows as name value pairs and picking
> through what gets sent back, you want to be specifying the columns and the 
> order
> that they are to be sent back, not asking for everything and assuming that the
> order and number of the fields is what you think might be there.
> Sure it's easiest to SELECT named fields as SELECT * and use raw[x] to get the
> value. Our main goal it's to speed up DBmail and any suggestions are welcome !

That is not the easiest method, because unless you're getting it as an
associative array (name/val pairs, etc)  Then you have no idea if raw[4]
is really what you expect on every installation (someone may have added
a field they need to the table).  That is why the inserts and selects
only ask for the columns they need in the order they need.  So that the
underlying table can be changed and not botch the whole system.

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