On 25/9/02 4:21 AM, "Roel Rozendaal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The basic layout for dbmail was based upon pop3 but we are interested in
> better schemes for imap. One of the main goals right now is to have the
> fastest imap server around. Better table layouts would mean a great
> improvement; just don't know how much time will be involved in
> implementing those.
> Things to do right now in my opinion are to fix annoying bugs and update
> the package with the several patches we have to release a STABLE 1.0
> version asap. 

One annoying bug I've notices is the mis-match between the status and
flag_read fields.  When you use POP and keep messages on server, all the
messages are set to be read by setting status to 02.  However, Imap only
seems to look at the flag_read field, which is not updated by the POP
session. Suggest either syncing the two fields, or at least getting rid of


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