Hi all,

I've seen a few messages about this on the list, but nothing really
that resolves the issue.

Using DBMA, I made a couple of shared folders, and they don't show up
as anything I can subscribe to in Thunderbird. Webmail clients and
Kmail see them just fine, but not Thunderbird. When I list ACLs in
DBMA, I get both of them, listed as user "anyone", and DBMA prefixes
the name with #Public automatically. They both also have lookup = 1 in
the table. So they should be showing up. Something about Thunderbird
is preventing these from being seen.

I changed the "IMAP server directory" in Thunderbird to #Public, which
made the shared folders appear, but also caused all the folders under
INBOX (Read mail, etc) to disappear. So that's not too good either. I
managed to terminally confuse Thunderbird by doing that too, and had
to eventually delete the account and start over.

I've successfully subscribed to public mailboxes from inside Kmail,
and they show up in Thunderbird, but that's a pain in the butt to have
to do every time. Any ideas why Thunderbird appears to dislike DBMail?

DBMail: SVN 2191
DBMA: 2.4.9
MySQL: 4.1.20
Thunderbird: version (20060530) (MacOS X and Windows XP)



[EMAIL PROTECTED] is jurgen's gmail address.
Visit http://jurgen.ca/ for more yummy goodness.

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