OK, I spent last night trolling through the wiki and such about this dbmail
application. Looks pretty cool.
But as usual there are a few questions that I didn't quite resolve last night.
What authentication mechanisms are available? plain, login, cram-md5...
If I understand the RTFM, there's no IMAPS support as yet, just IMAP. And this
might change in the next version, or I can patch something up with stunnel. Did
I get this right?
There seems to be a lot of discussion on the thread about SQL statements rather
than IMAP stuff. Seems to be a lot of discussion of how DBmail allows you to
use SQL to fiddle with the email. Cool -- I like SQL. Is it safe to assume
that every dbmail_phymessage is made up of at least two dbmail_messageblks
(header & body).
Is the is_header flag implemented at 2.2?
And that's a couple of relatively short questions that I didn't quite get
resolved but one --
Any suggestions on how to convert Maildir to dbmail? I was assuming I could
plug together a perl script and let it run for a few days...