On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 02:56 +0200, Michael Monnerie wrote:
> I have to ask again, because the number of physmessages and messages 
> differs greatly on our server:
> On Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2007 Michael Monnerie wrote:
> > > No. It's a known bug there are some checks missing from the
> > > maintenance code.
> >
> > OK, should I
> > select * from dbmail_physmessage p left join dbmail_messages m on
> > (p.id=m.physmessage_id) where m.message_idnr IS NULL;
> > to find out phymessages that have no message id?
> >
> > Then I could delete them using
> > delete from dbmail_physmessage p left join dbmail_messages m on
> > (p.id=m.physmessage_id) where m.message_idnr IS NULL;
> > Is this correct?

Check http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=305 for I think 4
different possible queries to address this.  I'm not an sql wizard
myself, so I'll not address whether yours is correct or not (I don't
know offhand).

Jesse Norell
Kentec Communications, Inc.
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