>  The code you write would have to be something you're willing to
> freely share.

Completely open source. Maybe even a source forge project?

> More importantly, what are you intending to write?  We broke down the
> application into three pieces:  a database on the back end, a front
> end for each year caretaker to get access to their data to make
> updates, and a front end for users, to search/browse the data.  In
> what manner do you see your contribution occuring?
Same format:

MySQL database
Users Table (admin{caretakers))
Front End for web users

> Right now, we've actually got a php app for stakeholders to update
> their portions of the deadlists site and a database for the purpose
> -- both of which conform to the data spec.  The trouble has been:
> almost none of the data conforms to the dataspec, and the caretakers
> aren't able (either time or attention to detail) to translate their
> data into the spec/database format.

My system will eliminate the data spec problem. I will take the metrics that
your data spec. conforms to and build around that, creating a new show entry
form that requires the caretaker to conform - but - with no extra effort to
speak of.
-How you may ask?
--I am building this as we speak and will show you. It will streamline data

-Where will it hurt?
--The caretakers will take their respective year and run each record through
the new form. The form handler will format each show per the data spec. A
one time pain.

> We have also seen a lot of progress on the user front end, in ASP. A
> version, that didn't get quite as intricate as the dataspec suggested
> it might, was built a while back.  But we've never stiched the pieces
> together, in large measure because of the data's state of readiness,
> and because stiching together the different environments proved
> cumbersome.
I can follow your design and layout if you would like, but prefer to stick
to one scripting language throughout the site.

> So, I guess the next step would be to ask where you see your
> contribution to this mix?  I realize you've stated that you want to
> do "the whole thing".  But I'm not sure what "the whole thing" would
> look like, how it would work, where it would live, who would have
> access on the back end, and on the front end, as a year caretaker,
> and so on.

I want to show you what I have in mind, so let me get the frame work pulled
together. For now I wll start a dir on my server and work from there, or we
can start a source forge project. It would basically work the same as you
have described above. Only admins(caretakers) will be able to access the
backend. On the frontend any user with a web browser.Year caretakers are
considered admins with specific rights? I will build it with different
levels of user admin rights. You can use them if you would like, if not,
make every caretaker a super-admin....up to you. I don't want to do the
whole thing, but I would like to build the infrastructure.

---- Help would be greatly appreciated from anyone willing to
contribute. ----

I'm going to build this thing regardless, but, I will only use your data if
you give me permission.

So you may be asking yourself what is in this for Andy?
1. Love of the music. I totally agree with what you guys are all about and
want to help.
2. I can see it being better and easier to use for the caretakers and the
users. The easier it is to use the more it will be used.
3. Build it as a stand alone module that could be easily integrated into
other applications.

I will build the infrastructure and - we - can go from there.

My questions are:
1. can anyone help and how much? Any PHP programmers there?
2. will the project be hosted on Source Forge or on my server while in
3. Do you have a PHP/MySQL server for the final product?

I really want your blessings and want to make this a community project. What
do you guys think?


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