Taken offline, so we can get down to business being geeks, and
everyone else can return to the regular deadlists content -- meaning
grateful dead performances discussion -- until we have something to
work through with the whole group.

--- Rockwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  The code you write would have to be something you're willing to
> > freely share.
> Completely open source. Maybe even a source forge project?
> > More importantly, what are you intending to write?  We broke down
> the
> > application into three pieces:  a database on the back end, a
> front
> > end for each year caretaker to get access to their data to make
> > updates, and a front end for users, to search/browse the data. 
> In
> > what manner do you see your contribution occuring?
> Same format:
> MySQL database
> Users Table (admin{caretakers))
> Front End for web users
> >
> > Right now, we've actually got a php app for stakeholders to
> update
> > their portions of the deadlists site and a database for the
> purpose
> > -- both of which conform to the data spec.  The trouble has been:
> > almost none of the data conforms to the dataspec, and the
> caretakers
> > aren't able (either time or attention to detail) to translate
> their
> > data into the spec/database format.
> My system will eliminate the data spec problem. I will take the
> metrics that
> your data spec. conforms to and build around that, creating a new
> show entry
> form that requires the caretaker to conform - but - with no extra
> effort to
> speak of.
> -How you may ask?
> --I am building this as we speak and will show you. It will
> streamline data
> entry.
> -Where will it hurt?
> --The caretakers will take their respective year and run each
> record through
> the new form. The form handler will format each show per the data
> spec. A
> one time pain.
> >
> > We have also seen a lot of progress on the user front end, in
> ASP. A
> > version, that didn't get quite as intricate as the dataspec
> suggested
> > it might, was built a while back.  But we've never stiched the
> pieces
> > together, in large measure because of the data's state of
> readiness,
> > and because stiching together the different environments proved
> > cumbersome.
> I can follow your design and layout if you would like, but prefer
> to stick
> to one scripting language throughout the site.
> >
> > So, I guess the next step would be to ask where you see your
> > contribution to this mix?  I realize you've stated that you want
> to
> > do "the whole thing".  But I'm not sure what "the whole thing"
> would
> > look like, how it would work, where it would live, who would have
> > access on the back end, and on the front end, as a year
> caretaker,
> > and so on.
> I want to show you what I have in mind, so let me get the frame
> work pulled
> together. For now I wll start a dir on my server and work from
> there, or we
> can start a source forge project. It would basically work the same
> as you
> have described above. Only admins(caretakers) will be able to
> access the
> backend. On the frontend any user with a web browser.Year
> caretakers are
> considered admins with specific rights? I will build it with
> different
> levels of user admin rights. You can use them if you would like, if
> not,
> make every caretaker a super-admin....up to you. I don't want to do
> the
> whole thing, but I would like to build the infrastructure.
> ---- Help would be greatly appreciated from anyone willing to
> contribute. ----
> I'm going to build this thing regardless, but, I will only use your
> data if
> you give me permission.
> So you may be asking yourself what is in this for Andy?
> 1. Love of the music. I totally agree with what you guys are all
> about and
> want to help.
> 2. I can see it being better and easier to use for the caretakers
> and the
> users. The easier it is to use the more it will be used.
> 3. Build it as a stand alone module that could be easily integrated
> into
> other applications.
> I will build the infrastructure and - we - can go from there.
> My questions are:
> 1. can anyone help and how much? Any PHP programmers there?
> 2. will the project be hosted on Source Forge or on my server while
> in
> development?
> 3. Do you have a PHP/MySQL server for the final product?
> I really want your blessings and want to make this a community
> project. What
> do you guys think?
> -Andy

Nathan Wolfson


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