I have in hand a 3-CD set of Hartford 7/31/74.  This is MSR > R > D > CD and
it sounds just great.  I listened through it last night & unless I missed
something it has no cuts whatsoever except for two:

1)  the beginning of Scarlet Begonias is missing with the tape starting a
minute or so into the song.

2)  Seastones is missing.

I have A minus quality AUD of the Seastones, which times fully 20 minutes
and is one of the more ferocious versions performed.  Throughout there are a
couple people in the audience (not too close to the mics) yelling 'get off
the stage', 'bring on the Dead!' etc., but also a woman who shouts 'behave
yourself.  Shut up and listen to the fucking music.'  You get the distinct
impression that the resistance expressed is leading Phil & Ned to turn it up
& stretch it out.  If you like Seastones, it's definitely one to have.

I have so far not been able to locate an AUD of the Scarlet Begonias.  I
recently obtained a 3-CD set of an AUD of this show but it only starts with
the Halfstep and so is no help for the Scarlet Begonias.

I'd like to find a good AUD to patch the Scarlet Begonias and then tree the
result.  A better master AUD of the Seastones would also be nice although
the version I have is acceptable.

e-mail please.

Incidentally, I had occasion to listen to the Fresno 7/19/74 AUD Seastones
after checking out the Hartford 7/31/74 one.  The difference in the
audicneces is remarkable.  Fresno is usually accounted sort of a cow-town by
people who don't know better, although it actually has a culture of its own
of long-standing & quite a few cool musicians locally.  Back in '74, to
judge by audience reactions to this most challenging of musics, it was also
markedly hipper than Hartford, and more polite, too.  Interesting.

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