I've been on a quest for it for 23 years :)
It was indeed at the Memorial Auditorium, only a couple hundred folks in
attendence ( most students had gone home for Thanksgiving or something )
Back when I was a student I went so far as to do research on the show in the
university library.  Wish I would have copied what I found, but never
thought to do it.
There were ads in the school newspaper I recall.  The most interesting thing
I found was a later article printed in the Athen "A" news,  the local
'hippy' paper, it was from 1978 or 1979?  They printed a complete interview
with Jerry, from right after the 1968 show, the funny thing was the
interview took place in the old 'Bordan Burger'  on Union Street.  Jerry had
a burger and a choclate shake :)  I'm sure copies of this paper could be
Dan M

> His recollection is flawed.  11/23/68 is the only time they ever played
Athens.  I have been on a quest for a copy of this show for almost 20 years.
A recording evidently existed at one time, as the venue (Memorial
Auditorium, on campus) recorded all performances for archival purposes.  The
tape was evidently stolen from their archives.  The question is, does this
tape still exist, or was it swiped by a student who didn't know what he
really had and didn't take care of it?
> Latvala told me this show does not exist in the Vault.

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