Dear Seyed Ali,

very good!

However, when you write that you solve "exactly" my/our (Timo and I)
code then I would assume it is really "exactly" that version.

When you add other things, of course this might accelerate or slow
down the code :)

Next time, please write first if you solve "exactly" the same code or not :)

Anyhow: good that you found the reason.

Best regards,


Dr. Thomas Wick
Maitre de conferences / Assistant Professor

Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees (CMAP)
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau cedex, France

Phone:  0033 1 69 33 4579

On 04/07/2017 01:10 PM, 'Seyed Ali Mohseni' via deal.II User Group wrote:
Dear Thomas,

I found the problem. Your version works exactly like discussed in your paper, even faster with my Intel i7, namely around 1400 s. The timeconsuming part is the computation of my B-operator.

The B-operator computation is implemented inside*assemble_system (bool residual_only):*
for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
    if ( cell->is_locally_owned() )

local_matrix = 0;
local_rhs = 0;

int cell_index = cell->active_cell_index();


        // COMPUTE: B-Operator

for (unsigned int q = 0; q < n_q_points; ++q) // loop over integration/quadrature points (GPs)
b_operators[cell_index][q] = Tensors::*get_b_operator*(fe_values, dofs_per_cell, q);

*B* = b_operators;

        // Old Newton iteration values
fe_values.get_function_values(rel_solution, old_solution_values);
fe_values.get_function_gradients(rel_solution, old_solution_grads);



The variable *B *is a history variable I created to store the B-operator history and has been initialized in the main class function according to:

std::vector<std::vector<FullMatrix<double>>>B; // temporary cell storage solution (inefficient!)

The function *get_b_operator()* which is called within the Gauss points loop is implemented in Tensors:

template<int dim>
FullMatrix<double> get_b_operator (const FEValues<dim> &fe_values, const unsigned int dofs_per_cell, const unsigned int q)
FullMatrix<double> tmp(dim, GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell);

// Remark: For vector-valued problems each column is a value for each value of the solution variable, hence here 3 DoFs per node (dofs_per_cell = 12)!
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; i += 3)
const unsigned int index = i / 3;

// COMPUTE: B-operator (Remark: This version has to be extended for 3D!)
tmp[0][index] = fe_values.shape_grad_component(i, q, 0)[0];
tmp[1][index] = fe_values.shape_grad_component(i, q, 0)[1];

return tmp;

I assume (as I already wrote within my comments inside the above code) that this kind of cell storage for matrices turns out to be quite slow and inefficient. Jean-Paul offered me once to use the new CellDataStorage function, if I remember correctly. Isn't there a nice and elegant way to store data in each Gauss point and cell without loss of computational time? Or am I able to pass the B-operator to another function somehow after I have solved the system? Something similar to your predictor-corrector scheme. It seems you somehow pass data more efficiently from one function to another function even after you solved the system. Do you also pass cell data from a function before solving to a function after solving?

Seyed Ali

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