在 2017年10月16日星期一 UTC+2下午4:31:25,Wolfgang Bangerth写道:
> >     So when you visualize the solution, the error is at the boundary but 
> it looks 
> >     correct in the interior? 
> > 
> > Yes, it is. Thereafter, the error at boundaries does propagate and then 
> > interfere with the interior. 
>  From the pictures you posted in a follow-up, it looks like the boundary 
> values are actually correct, but that the problem starts one layer of 
> cells 
> into the domain. Do I see this correctly? 
Yes, exactly. And if I use the BC values as 0, then it seems OK now (see 
figs below). What if I want to apply some value other than 0, this problem 
seems annoying.

> >      > Is there a simple way to update the RHS of old value using 
> something 
> >     simple 
> >      > like vmult? 
> > 
> >     What is the equation you are trying to implement? 
> > 
> > I am trying just the Heat equation, 
> > rho * C * dT/dt = nabla *(kappba nalbaT) + f(x,y,t); 
> > Boundary condition is, 
> > T(x,y,z,t) = 300K, at boundaries. 
> I meant the "update the RHS of old value" equation. 

sorry, I mistook your idea. The RHS function is,
f(x,y,z,t) = I0 * exp(-((x-v*t)^2 + (y-v*t)^2 +(z-v*t)^2)/2c^2), which 
stands for absorption of the laser.


Boundary value = 0, initial values = 0

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