Hi Bruno,
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post & giving me some 
I am already familiar with lethe, thats where i compared my implementation 
of the residual to, but for Stokes, 
we actually do not introduce a nonlinearity, since we do not have the 
(nonlinear) convective term as in Navier Stokes, so it should actuallly be 
fine, correct? 
As far as I know, the Laplacian(u) in the residual does not lead to 
nonlinearities, since the residual in PSPG for Stokes(!) is only r := 
-nu*laplace(u) + grad(p) - f
and we simply add on element level + int( r * grad(q) )dx
Nonetheless, I solve it using Newton OR Picard+Aitken, giving me identical 

That it takes longer to reach the asymptotic convergence I can confirm 
(using my matlab code), 
but using deal.ii and an iterative solver it just does not reach the point 
(I tested up to 3 mio cells in 2d on just a rectangular grid with poisuille 
flow ... didnt help)
thanks also for that hint!

Kind regards,

Am Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2020 02:49:26 UTC+1 schrieb Bruno Blais:
> Dear Richard,
> We implement a quasi identical scheme in lethe (PSPG for continuity and 
> SUPG for momentum). You can find the code on the github, it might help you :
> https://github.com/lethe-cfd/lethe/blob/master/source/solvers/gls_navier_stokes.cc
> I can confirm that you should be getting order p+1 for velocity. To be 
> honest I have never really taken the time to look at pressure convergence, 
> but I recall that it can take very fine mesh to reach the asymptotic 
> convergence.
> Please keep in mind that the introduction of the PSPG term introduces a 
> non-linearity in the solver except in the case where you rmesh is made of 
> perfect rectangles that are aligned with the axis of the system.
> Are you solving it using Newton's method?
> Best
> Bruno
> On Friday, 14 February 2020 07:34:09 UTC-5, Richard Schussnig wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I am currently implementing some stationary Stokes solvers based on 
>> step-55.
>> Therein, Taylor-Hood elements are being used. One can check the optimal 
>> order of 
>> convergence easily comparing to the Kovasznay or Poisuille flow solution, 
>> the first one being already implemented in this step.
>> I went ahead and added PSPG and Bochev-Dohrmann stabilizations to check 
>> the errors using those.
>> For the latter, i get the expected suboptimal (!) convergence rates 
>> (vel:2 and p~1.5-2).
>> Using PSPG, one adds 
>> tau * residual momentum dot gradient(q)
>> (q being the pressure test function)
>> per element like:
>> local_matrix (i,j) += fe_values.JxW(q) * tau_sups * phi_grads_p [j] * 
>> phi_grads_p [i];
>> {
>> local_matrix (i,j) += fe_values.JxW(q) * tau * (
>>   - viscosity * phi_laplacians_v [j]
>>   ) * phi_grads_p [i];
>> }
>> Using the laplacian of the velocity u defined as below:
>> if (get_laplace_residual)
>> {
>> phi_hessians_v[k] = fe_hessians[velocities].hessian(k,q);
>> for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
>> { phi_laplacians_v[k][d] = trace(phi_hessians_v[k][d]);
>> }
>> // Check laplacian, both give zero for rectangular grid and identical 
>> values for distorted grids.
>> unsigned int comp_k = fe.system_to_component_index(k).first;
>> Tensor<1,dim> vector_laplace_v;
>> vector_laplace_v = 0;
>> if (comp_k<dim)
>> {
>> Tensor<2,dim> nonzero_hessian_k = 
>> fe_hessians.shape_hessian_component(k,q,comp_k);
>> vector_laplace_v [comp_k] += trace(nonzero_hessian_k);
>> }
>> Tensor<1,dim> diff;
>> diff = phi_laplacians_v[k] - vector_laplace_v;
>> if (diff.norm() > 1e-6 || vector_laplace_v.norm() > 1e-16)
>> std::cout << "|divgrad_v| = " << std::setw(15) << vector_laplace_v.norm() 
>> << " , diff = " << diff.norm() << std::endl;
>> }
>> Which also includes a second option to compute the wanted laplacian.
>> Using a perfectly rectangular grid, the laplacian is actually zero for 
>> all elements, thus everything reduces to just adding a pressure stiffness 
>> in the pressure-pressure block.
>> Nonetheless, i observe convergence rates of vel:2 and p:1.5-1.8 which is 
>> suboptimal and not(!) expected.
>> I implemented the same methods in a matlab inhouse code & observed 
>> perfect convergence rates of 2&2 for v&p using a direct solver.
>> The stabilization parameter is in both cases (matlab or deal.ii) chosen 
>> as 
>> tau = 0.1*h^2/viscosity 
>> with 
>> double h = std::pow(cell->measure(), 1.0/ static_cast<double>(dim)) 
>> or         h = cell->diameter() giving similar results.
>> Could the observed behaviour be caused by applying an iterative solver*? 
>> (using ReductionControl and a reduction factor of 1e-13 which is really low)
>> * Block-triangular Schur-complement-based approach, similar as in step-55 
>> suggested in the further possibilities for extension, basically using 
>> S~-(1/viscosity)*Mass_pressure giving 20-40 iterations up to 3mio dofs 
>> tested.
>> I have been checking the code for a week now, and i really doubt, that 
>> the integration of just tau*grad(p)*grad(p) is wrong (again, the laplace 
>> drops out for a rectangular grid).
>> Just to check, i used a manufactured solution from Poisuille flow and 
>> added the laplacian from PSPG to the rhs, giving me the exact (linear) 
>> solution in the pressure and quadratic convergence in the velocity, thus I 
>> assume, that the grad(p)grad(q) term added is correctly implemeted. (exact 
>> solution meaning, that i get an L2 error of err<1e-9 for any number of 
>> elements used)
>> Anyone has ever experienced this or has anyone some tipps for further 
>> debugging?
>> Thanks for taking the time to read the post, any help or comment would be 
>> greatly appreciated!
>> Greetings from Austria,
>> Richard

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