On 7/5/21 11:04 PM, vachan potluri wrote:

    So is your fine mesh a refinement of the coarse one? If not, you may want to
    look at FEFieldFunction.

Yes, it is. But the "refinement" is done by the meshing software, outside dealii. Is there any simplification possible in such a case?

Not really. If deal.II has no knowledge about the relationship between cells on the two meshes, then it is in essence the interpolation from one unstructured grid to another unstructured grid.

Otherwise, I think FEFieldFunction would be a safe choice. Since I want to use it with p::d::Triangulation, will setting all dofs as relevant do the job? This way the partitioning can also be different.

This becomes a very difficult data transfer problem because you want to evaluate the solution at a point that the current process may know nothing about. In essence, you will have to ask all of the other processes about who owns a part of the mesh on which a given interpolation point is located, and then that process has to send you the value of the function at that point. You have to do that for all points. This is going to be an expensive operation.

You might want to check out the Utilities::MPI::RemotePointEvaluation class in the latest (9.3) release for help with this.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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