Hello Wolfgang,

Yes, I am still getting the same error even using cell->set_future_fe_index(
0)  before executing the refinement.
I have attached the error and all files needed to reproduce it, but 
anything that concerns us is in main.cc.   

the code is a mix between step-26 and step-27 to add elements during the 

To do so, I set some elements with FE_Nothing and the beggining and then, 
inside the method refine_mesh, I activate them at a given time_step using 
set_future_fe_index as suggested by Bruno before executing 
    if (timestep_number == 25) activate_FEs();
    solution_trans.interpolate(previous_solution, solution);

when performing the interpolation with 
solution); it gives me the error.

Thank you for the time,
El jueves, 18 de enero de 2024 a las 18:15:08 UTC, Wolfgang Bangerth 

> On 1/18/24 03:28, luis miguel reig buades wrote:
> > 
> > However, it does not seem to solve the interpolation problem, I am 
> assuming 
> > the error happens because I did not assign an initial solution to the 
> > activated elements.
> > Is there any way to assign the activated elements a solution as I am 
> looping 
> > through the cells and activating them? I have not been able to find this
> Are you saying that you continue to get the same error, even with the 
> switched 
> order of operations? Can you show us the code you use, and the error you 
> get?
> Best
> W.
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Bangerth email: bang...@colostate.edu
> www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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// # physics constants
double global_PI = 3.1415927;

// Heat acitvation area
double square_length = 0.2;

// # Laser
double global_Pow_laser = 0.4;      // power [W]
double global_spotsize_at_e_2 = 20e-6;  // laser spot size at e^(-2) [m]
double global_c_laser = global_spotsize_at_e_2 / 4.0;   // C parameter in Gaussian func, [m]
double global_c_hwhm = global_c_laser * 2.35482 / 2;    // HWHM, [m]
// double global_V_scan_x = 10e-3;   // scan speed, [m/s]
double global_V_scan_x = 4;   // scan speed, [m/s]
double global_V_scan_y = 0;   // scan speed, [m/s]

double global_init_position_x0 = 0;    // initial spot center position
double global_init_position_y0 = 1;

// # material
// thin film
double global_rho_Tio2 = 4200;      // mass density, [kg/m^3]
double global_C_Tio2 = 690;         // heat capacity, [J/kg/K]
double global_k_Tio2 = 4.8;         // thermal conductivity, [W/m/K]
// substrate
double global_rho_glass = 2200;
double global_C_glass = 700;
double global_k_glass = 1.8;

double global_film_thickness = 400e-9;  // film thickness, [m]

// # simulation time
double global_simulation_time_step = 1e-5;          // 10 [us]
double global_simulation_end_time = 100e-6 / global_V_scan_x; //    100 [um] / scan speed

// # about the MESH
#define BOUNDARY_NUM 11
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021 by the deal.II authors
 * This file is part of the deal.II library.
 * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
 * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
 * the top level output_directory of deal.II.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, Texas A&M University, 2013

// The program starts with the usual include files, all of which you should
// have seen before by now:
#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/solver_cg.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/precondition.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_refinement.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_nothing.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/error_estimator.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/solution_transfer.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/matrix_tools.h>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>

#include <deal.II/hp/fe_collection.h>
#include <deal.II/hp/fe_values.h>
#include <deal.II/hp/refinement.h>

// Then the usual placing of all content of this program into a namespace and
// the importation of the deal.II namespace into the one we will work in:
namespace Step26

  using namespace dealii;

  // Including the header file for the right hand side and boundary values
  #ifndef GLOBAL_PARA
  #define GLOBAL_PARA
  #include "./globalPara.h"
  // #include "./boundaryInit.h"
  #include "./rightHandSide.h"

  template <int dim>
  class HeatEquation
    void run();

    void setup_system();
    void solve_time_step();
    void output_results() const;
    void refine_mesh(const unsigned int min_grid_level,
                     const unsigned int max_grid_level);
    // methods developed by me:
    // void set_active_FEs();
    void activate_FEs();
    void deactivate_FEs();

    void Create_Initial_Triangulation();

    Triangulation<dim> triangulation;

    const unsigned int initial_global_refinement;

    FE_Q<dim>          fe;
    DoFHandler<dim>    dof_handler;

    AffineConstraints<double> constraints;

    SparsityPattern      sparsity_pattern;
    SparseMatrix<double> mass_matrix;
    SparseMatrix<double> laplace_matrix;
    SparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;

    Vector<double> solution;
    Vector<double> old_solution;
    Vector<double> system_rhs;

    double       time;
    double       time_step;
    unsigned int timestep_number;

    const double theta;

    std::string output_directory;

    // attributes developed by me:
    hp::FECollection<dim>    fe_collection;
    hp::QCollection<dim>     quadrature_collection;
    hp::QCollection<dim - 1> face_quadrature_collection;

  template <int dim>
  class BoundaryValues : public Function<dim>
    virtual double value(const Point<dim> & p,
                         const unsigned int component = 0) const override;

  template <int dim>
  double BoundaryValues<dim>::value(const Point<dim> & /*p*/,
                                    const unsigned int component) const
    Assert(component == 0, ExcIndexRange(component, 0, 1));
    return 0;

  template <int dim>
    : initial_global_refinement(2)
    , fe(1)
    , dof_handler(triangulation)
    , time_step(1. / 500)
    , theta(0.5)
    , output_directory("output")


    face_quadrature_collection.push_back(QGauss<dim - 1>(2));
    face_quadrature_collection.push_back(QGauss<dim - 1>(2));    


  // @sect4{<code>HeatEquation::setup_system</code>}
  // The next function is the one that sets up the DoFHandler object,
  // computes the constraints, and sets the linear algebra objects
  // to their correct sizes. We also compute the mass and Laplace
  // matrix here by simply calling two functions in the library.
  // Note that we do not take the hanging node constraints into account when
  // assembling the matrices (both functions have an AffineConstraints argument
  // that defaults to an empty object). This is because we are going to
  // condense the constraints in run() after combining the matrices for the
  // current time-step.
  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::setup_system()

    std::cout << std::endl
              << "===========================================" << std::endl
              << "Number of active cells: " << triangulation.n_active_cells()
              << std::endl
              << "Number of degrees of freedom: " << dof_handler.n_dofs()
              << std::endl
              << std::endl;

    DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, constraints);

    DynamicSparsityPattern dsp(dof_handler.n_dofs());
                                    /*keep_constrained_dofs = */ true);




  // Method to specify the active and inactive FEs from the triangulation, which change every time powder is added.
  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::deactivate_FEs()
    const Point<2> point(0, 0);

    for (auto &cell: dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
      for (const auto v : cell->vertex_indices()){

          const double distance_from_point =

          if (distance_from_point < 0.5){
            cell->set_active_fe_index(1);  // index 1 is for FE_Nothing elements, which are elements with 0 degrees of freedom, since it is the second element of the fe_collection array.

  // Method to activate all cells
  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::activate_FEs()
    for (auto &cell: dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())

  // @sect4{<code>HeatEquation::solve_time_step</code>}
  // The next function is the one that solves the actual linear system
  // for a single time step. There is nothing surprising here:
  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::solve_time_step()
    SolverControl            solver_control(1000, 1e-8 * system_rhs.l2_norm());
    SolverCG<Vector<double>> cg(solver_control);

    PreconditionSSOR<SparseMatrix<double>> preconditioner;
    preconditioner.initialize(system_matrix, 1.0);

    cg.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner);


    std::cout << "     " << solver_control.last_step() << " CG iterations."
              << std::endl;

  // @sect4{<code>HeatEquation::output_results</code>}
  // Neither is there anything new in generating graphical output other than the
  // fact that we tell the DataOut object what the current time and time step
  // number is, so that this can be written into the output file:
  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::output_results() const
    DataOut<dim> data_out;


    //Output de degrees of freedom in every element:
    Vector<float> fe_degrees(triangulation.n_active_cells());
      for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
        fe_degrees(cell->active_cell_index()) =

    data_out.add_data_vector(fe_degrees, "fe_degree");

    data_out.add_data_vector(solution, "T");


    data_out.set_flags(DataOutBase::VtkFlags(time, timestep_number));

    // create output output_directory if it does not exist:
    if (!std::filesystem::exists(output_directory)) (std::filesystem::create_directory(output_directory));

    const std::string filename =
      output_directory + "/solution-" + Utilities::int_to_string(timestep_number, 3) + ".vtk";
    std::ofstream output(filename);


  // @sect4{<code>HeatEquation::refine_mesh</code>}
  // This function is the interesting part of the program. It takes care of
  // the adaptive mesh refinement. The three tasks
  // this function performs is to first find out which cells to
  // refine/coarsen, then to actually do the refinement and eventually
  // transfer the solution vectors between the two different grids. The first
  // task is simply achieved by using the well-established Kelly error
  // estimator on the solution. The second task is to actually do the
  // remeshing. That involves only basic functions as well, such as the
  // <code>refine_and_coarsen_fixed_fraction</code> that refines those cells
  // with the largest estimated error that together make up 60 per cent of the
  // error, and coarsens those cells with the smallest error that make up for
  // a combined 40 per cent of the error. Note that for problems such as the
  // current one where the areas where something is going on are shifting
  // around, we want to aggressively coarsen so that we can move cells
  // around to where it is necessary.
  // As already discussed in the introduction, too small a mesh leads to
  // too small a time step, whereas too large a mesh leads to too little
  // resolution. Consequently, after the first two steps, we have two
  // loops that limit refinement and coarsening to an allowable range of
  // cells:
  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::refine_mesh(const unsigned int min_grid_level,
                                      const unsigned int max_grid_level)
    Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell(triangulation.n_active_cells());

      std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<dim> *>(),


    if (triangulation.n_levels() > max_grid_level)
      for (const auto &cell :
    for (const auto &cell :
    // These two loops above are slightly different but this is easily
    // explained. In the first loop, instead of calling
    // <code>triangulation.end()</code> we may as well have called
    // <code>triangulation.end_active(max_grid_level)</code>. The two
    // calls should yield the same iterator since iterators are sorted
    // by level and there should not be any cells on levels higher than
    // on level <code>max_grid_level</code>. In fact, this very piece
    // of code makes sure that this is the case.

    // As part of mesh refinement we need to transfer the solution vectors
    // from the old mesh to the new one. To this end we use the
    // SolutionTransfer class and we have to prepare the solution vectors that
    // should be transferred to the new grid (we will lose the old grid once
    // we have done the refinement so the transfer has to happen concurrently
    // with refinement). At the point where we call this function, we will
    // have just computed the solution, so we no longer need the old_solution
    // variable (it will be overwritten by the solution just after the mesh
    // may have been refined, i.e., at the end of the time step; see below).
    // In other words, we only need the one solution vector, and we copy it
    // to a temporary object where it is safe from being reset when we further
    // down below call <code>setup_system()</code>.
    // Consequently, we initialize a SolutionTransfer object by attaching
    // it to the old DoF handler. We then prepare the triangulation and the
    // data vector for refinement (in this order).
    SolutionTransfer<dim> solution_trans(dof_handler);

    Vector<double> previous_solution;
    previous_solution = solution;

    // Now everything is ready, so do the refinement and recreate the DoF
    // structure on the new grid, and finally initialize the matrix structures
    // and the new vectors in the <code>setup_system</code> function. Next, we
    // actually perform the interpolation of the solution from old to new
    // grid. The final step is to apply the hanging node constraints to the
    // solution vector, i.e., to make sure that the values of degrees of
    // freedom located on hanging nodes are so that the solution is
    // continuous. This is necessary since SolutionTransfer only operates on
    // cells locally, without regard to the neighborhood.
    if (timestep_number == 25) activate_FEs();

    solution_trans.interpolate(previous_solution, solution);

  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::Create_Initial_Triangulation()
    Point<dim> p1;
    Point<dim> p2;

    std::cout << "dim = " << dim << std::endl;

    if (dim == 2){
      p1 = {0, 0};
      p2 = {2, 1};
    } else if (dim == 3){
      p1 = {0, 0, 0};
      p2 = {2, 1, 1};

    GridGenerator::hyper_rectangle(triangulation, p1 , p2);

  template <int dim>
  void HeatEquation<dim>::run()
    const unsigned int n_adaptive_pre_refinement_steps = 4;


    // set_active_FEs();

    unsigned int pre_refinement_step = 0;

    Vector<double> tmp;
    Vector<double> forcing_terms;


    time            = 0.0;
    timestep_number = 0;


    solution = old_solution;


    // Then we start the main loop until the computed time exceeds our
    // end time of 0.5. The first task is to build the right hand
    // side of the linear system we need to solve in each time step.
    // Recall that it contains the term $MU^{n-1}-(1-\theta)k_n AU^{n-1}$.
    // We put these terms into the variable system_rhs, with the
    // help of a temporary vector:
    while (time <= 0.5)
        time += time_step;


        std::cout << "Time step " << timestep_number << " at t=" << time
                  << std::endl;

        mass_matrix.vmult(system_rhs, old_solution);

        laplace_matrix.vmult(tmp, old_solution);
        system_rhs.add(-(1 - theta) * time_step, tmp);

        // The second piece is to compute the contributions of the source
        // terms. This corresponds to the term $k_n
        // \left[ (1-\theta)F^{n-1} + \theta F^n \right]$. The following
        // code calls VectorTools::create_right_hand_side to compute the
        // vectors $F$, where we set the time of the right hand side
        // (source) function before we evaluate it. The result of this
        // all ends up in the forcing_terms variable:
        RightHandSide<dim> rhs_function;
        forcing_terms = tmp;
        forcing_terms *= time_step * theta;

        rhs_function.set_time(time - time_step);

        forcing_terms.add(time_step * (1 - theta), tmp);

        // Next, we add the forcing terms to the ones that
        // come from the time stepping, and also build the matrix
        // $M+k_n\theta A$ that we have to invert in each time step.
        // The final piece of these operations is to eliminate
        // hanging node constrained degrees of freedom from the
        // linear system:
        system_rhs += forcing_terms;

        system_matrix.add(theta * time_step, laplace_matrix);

        constraints.condense(system_matrix, system_rhs);

        // There is one more operation we need to do before we
        // can solve it: boundary values. To this end, we create
        // a boundary value object, set the proper time to the one
        // of the current time step, and evaluate it as we have
        // done many times before. The result is used to also
        // set the correct boundary values in the linear system:
          BoundaryValues<dim> boundary_values_function;

          std::map<types::global_dof_index, double> boundary_values;


        // With this out of the way, all we have to do is solve the
        // system, generate graphical data, and...


        // ...take care of mesh refinement. Here, what we want to do is
        // (i) refine the requested number of times at the very beginning
        // of the solution procedure, after which we jump to the top to
        // restart the time iteration, (ii) refine every fifth time
        // step after that.
        // The time loop and, indeed, the main part of the program ends
        // with starting into the next time step by setting old_solution
        // to the solution we have just computed.
        if ((timestep_number == 1) &&
            (pre_refinement_step < n_adaptive_pre_refinement_steps))
                        initial_global_refinement +


            std::cout << std::endl;

            goto start_time_iteration;
        else if ((timestep_number > 0) && (timestep_number % 5 == 0))
                        initial_global_refinement +

        old_solution = solution;
} // namespace Step26

int main()
      using namespace Step26;

      HeatEquation<2> heat_equation_solver;
  catch (std::exception &exc)
      std::cerr << std::endl
                << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
                << exc.what() << std::endl
                << "Aborting!" << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;

      return 1;
  catch (...)
      std::cerr << std::endl
                << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
                << "Aborting!" << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      return 1;

  return 0;
An error occurred in line <155> of file 
</build/deal.ii-o0wOgt/deal.ii-9.5.1/source/dofs/dof_accessor_set.cc> in 
    void dealii::internal::set_dof_values(const dealii::DoFCellAccessor<dim, 
spacedim, level_dof_access>&, const dealii::Vector<number>&, OutputVector&, 
bool) [with int dim = 2; int spacedim = 2; bool lda = false; OutputVector = 
dealii::Vector<double>; number = double]
The violated condition was:
    local_values_old[i] == number() || get_abs(local_values_old[i] - 
local_values[i]) <= get_abs(local_values_old[i] + local_values[i]) * 100000. * 
std::numeric_limits<typename numbers::NumberTraits< 
Additional information:
    Called set_dof_values_by_interpolation(), but the element to be set,
    value 0, does not match with the non-zero value 5.270338238394919e-05
    already set before.

#0  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: void 
dealii::internal::set_dof_values<2, 2, false, dealii::Vector<double>, 
double>(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, dealii::Vector<double> 
const&, dealii::Vector<double>&, bool)
#1  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, 
double>(dealii::Vector<double> const&, dealii::Vector<double>&, unsigned short, 
bool) const::{lambda(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double>&)#1}::operator()(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> 
const&, dealii::Vector<double> const&, dealii::Vector<double>&) const  
#2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: std::_Function_handler<void 
(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, dealii::Vector<double> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double>&), dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, 
double>(dealii::Vector<double> const&, dealii::Vector<double>&, unsigned short, 
bool) const::{lambda(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double>&)#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, 
dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, dealii::Vector<double> const&, 
#3  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: std::function<void 
(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, dealii::Vector<double> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double>&)>::operator()(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> 
const&, dealii::Vector<double> const&, dealii::Vector<double>&) const
#4  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: void 
dealii::internal::process_by_interpolation<2, 2, false, dealii::Vector<double>, 
double>(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, dealii::Vector<double> 
const&, dealii::Vector<double>&, unsigned short, std::function<void 
(dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, false> const&, dealii::Vector<double> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double>&)> const&)
#5  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: void 
dealii::DoFCellAccessor<2, 2, 
double>(dealii::Vector<double> const&, dealii::Vector<double>&, unsigned short, 
bool) const
#6  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: dealii::SolutionTransfer<2, 
dealii::Vector<double>, 2>::interpolate(std::vector<dealii::Vector<double>, 
std::allocator<dealii::Vector<double> > > const&, 
std::vector<dealii::Vector<double>, std::allocator<dealii::Vector<double> > >&) 
#7  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdeal.ii.g.so.9.5.1: dealii::SolutionTransfer<2, 
dealii::Vector<double>, 2>::interpolate(dealii::Vector<double> const&, 
dealii::Vector<double>&) const
#8  ./main: Step26::HeatEquation<2>::refine_mesh(unsigned int, unsigned int)
#9  ./main: Step26::HeatEquation<2>::run()
#10  ./main: main

make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/run.dir/build.make:58: CMakeFiles/run] Aborted (core 
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:218: CMakeFiles/run.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:225: CMakeFiles/run.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:183: run] Error 2
//# This file defines the boundary and initial conditions

#include "./globalPara.h"

//# Declaration
  template <int dim>
  class RightHandSide : public Function<dim>
    RightHandSide() : Function<dim>() {}

    virtual double value(const Point<dim> & p,
                         const unsigned int component = 0) const override;


//# Implementation

  template <int dim>
  double RightHandSide<dim>::value(const Point<dim> & p,
                                   const unsigned int component) const
    AssertIndexRange(component, 1);
    Assert(dim == 2, ExcNotImplemented());

    const double time = this->get_time();

    double position_square_x = global_init_position_x0 + global_V_scan_x * time;
    double position_square_y = global_init_position_y0 + global_V_scan_y * time;

    if ( (p[0] > position_square_x - square_length)  && (p[0] < position_square_x + square_length)
         (p[1] > position_square_y - square_length)  && (p[1] < position_square_y + square_length)
            return 2;
        return 0;

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