On Thu, 01 Aug 2019 09:06:34 -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:

> So, honestly, for me, discovering whether this is a small number of
> people who are going to be anonymous or whether it is a large number of
> members of our community is in and of itself valuable.  The little hints
> I had been seeing had reached the level of unknown concern for me, and
> so I valued quantifying that concern.
> I think we explored the question of whether there are any significant
> unknowns and gave people who felt they were not heard a desir to speak.
> I think that's quite valuable.
> I think those of us in the room got a much better sense of the balance
> of at least that room.
> For me that was valuable.

I'm curious: Could you share your quantifications after this meeting?
I'm asking because I was in the room, and while I learned some points
of view I have no idea about numbers, neither from the people present
nor from a wider community.


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