On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 8:33 PM Carl Karsten <c...@nextdayvideo.com> wrote:

> raw video over USB3 (still in development). - this is most interesting to
> me.
> If the video stream can be consumed by a gstreamer element, good.

We actually do have an experimental gstreamer source plugin already.

Is your interest in raw grounded in the higher image quality and additional
image processing options?

The quickest way to see how that fits into the system is:
> https://github.com/CarlFK/veyepar/wiki/System-Stack#i-just-want-to-see-if-my-device-works-with-voctomix
> I would be happy to help someone grind through the setup to you can have a
> real system to test with.

Thanks, we will check it out!

Regards Sebastian

> On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 1:03 PM Sebastian Pichelhofer <s...@apertus.org>
> wrote:
>> Dear Deb Conf Video Team
>> We (www.apertus.org) are developing open hardware and free software
>> cameras and technology and are considering advancing one particular
>> platform from a prototype to a hardware kit to produce: AXIOM Micro
>> https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/AXIOM_Micro
>> It has an image sensor with slightly above Full HD resolution, swappable
>> lens mount and with two plugin module slots can output HDMI live video
>> and/or raw video over USB3 (still in development).
>> As this camera could be a perfect fit for lecture and conference
>> recording we want to learn more about your streaming/recording setup and
>> your requirements and discuss if what we have in mind would be interesting
>> to you.
>> Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions/ideas!
>> Is there anyone else you would suggest to get in touch with?
>> Regards Sebastian
> --
> Carl K

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