On 2021/01/15 15:39, Sebastian Pichelhofer wrote:
     >      >
     >      > As this camera could be a perfect fit for lecture and
     >      > recording we want to learn more about your streaming/recording
     >     setup and
     >      > your requirements and discuss if what we have in mind would be
     >      > interesting to you.
     >     Our current set-up is documented here:
     > https://debconf-video-team.pages.debian.net/docs/room_setup.html
>  <https://debconf-video-team.pages.debian.net/docs/room_setup.html
     >     We currently work at 720p capture at 50 or 60 fps (filming
     >     dependant) from the cameras, streaming and recording.
     > Thanks!
     > What cameras do you use/prefer currently?
     > IIRC at FOSDEM these were prosumer HD camcorders.

    Sony PXW-X70/4k

     > Is interlacing an issue with these devices?

    We always shoot progressive and haven't run into any interlacing issues
    that I know of


So a camera that outputs a low latency live stream over Ethernet in a format that voctomix would understand would be interesting I assume?

Very much so. Ideally with mixed in audio so we can let the camera handle the audio/video sync before it gets to Voctomix.


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Kyle Robbertze
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Debian Developer
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