On 2021/01/03 18:04, Sebastian Pichelhofer wrote:

On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 9:11 PM Kyle Robbertze <paddatrap...@debian.org <mailto:paddatrap...@debian.org>> wrote:

    Hi Sebastian,

    On 2021/01/01 20:46, Sebastian Pichelhofer wrote:
     > Dear Deb Conf Video Team
     > We (www.apertus.org <http://www.apertus.org>
    <http://www.apertus.org <http://www.apertus.org>>) are developing open
     > hardware and free software cameras and technology and are considering
     > advancing one particular platform from a prototype to a hardware
    kit to
     > produce: AXIOM Micro
     > https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/AXIOM_Micro
     > <https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/AXIOM_Micro
     > It has an image sensor with slightly above Full HD resolution,
     > lens mount and with two plugin module slots can output HDMI live
     > and/or raw video over USB3 (still in development).

    This looks interesting! My main concern with USB output is the distance
    limit. Our current setup uses SDI running to a single capture PC that
    does the vision switching. Obviously we could put a capture PC (some
    small SoC) next to each camera, it just requires additional changes to
    our setup and configuration during events.

With the HDMI live output and a 50$ converter (ala https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/microconverters <https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/microconverters>) we could basically provide SDI from the camera without developing additional hardware.

The issue with adapters is that it is one more thing to ship, keep track of and another single point of failure. Which is why we try avoid them as much as possible.

A new single SDI output plugin module would also be possible though (with an ECP5 for example) as our dual 6G SDI plugin module (https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/SDI_Plugin_Module <https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/SDI_Plugin_Module>) developer is currently working for AMD and there does not seem to be a chance he will have time to continue working on it soon :(

That plugin module would work for us, though it is unfortunate that your developer doesn't have the time to work on it at the moment.

Sending a raw 720p60 stream over ethernet might even be possible directly with the camera (it only requires 421.875Mbps) and the camera features Gigabit Ethernet. A color video stream would triple the required bandwidth so that would not work...

Btw, would HDMI input on the camera make any sense for capturing the presentations signal?

For us, no - the cameras are far from the presenter's podium. We use HDMI2USB opsis boards with a SoC to capture and stream the presentations back to the Voctomix vision switching PC.

     > As this camera could be a perfect fit for lecture and conference
     > recording we want to learn more about your streaming/recording
    setup and
     > your requirements and discuss if what we have in mind would be
     > interesting to you.

    Our current set-up is documented here:


    We currently work at 720p capture at 50 or 60 fps (filming country
    dependant) from the cameras, streaming and recording.


What cameras do you use/prefer currently?
IIRC at FOSDEM these were prosumer HD camcorders.

Sony PXW-X70/4k

Is interlacing an issue with these devices?

We always shoot progressive and haven't run into any interlacing issues that I know of


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Kyle Robbertze
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Debian Developer
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://wiki.debian.org/KyleRobbertze

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