Hello all, I'm posting this as it could be of interest to this list.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Debian is testing Discourse
Resent-Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 08:45:17 +0000 (UTC)
Resent-From: debian-u...@lists.debian.org
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 11:45:02 +0300
From: Reco <recovery...@enotuniq.net>
To: debian-u...@lists.debian.org

        Dear list,

[1] came to my attention today. To quote relevant parts:

What about the mailing lists?
  This may or may not be a replacement for any particular list. I
suspect there are some thet would benefit greatly from having Discourse
be the primary interaction, and other places where this would be less

Be specific!
  Ok... I think *debian-user*, debian-vote and possibly debian-project
would be better off in Discourse. I think debian-devel-announce should
stay as an email list (for now). However, I am not suddenly proposing
that we shut those lists down. The aim of this exercise is to see if
Discourse would work well for us.

Email is still important to me!
  Fine, you can interact with Discorse by email rather than the web
interface. It should be noted however, that there is *not 1:1 feature
partiy* with email and the web interface, as Discorse does things that
can't easily be done with email. For the majority of users though, email
interaction should be "good enough".

Why are you doing this?
  I have two motivations. First, is *moderation*. Discourse has built in
tools to allow community moderation on a much better scale than our
email lists.  Secondly, I genuinely believe that ease of access to new
contributors is of paramount importance to the project.

So, thoughts, options?


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2020/04/msg00074.html

John Doe

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