Hello all.

Noob to this list and to more-or-less, kind-a sort-a straight Debian. I recently installed LMDE 4 for my wife and myself. I was playing around with the fresh release on a Live load and my wife decided to watch over my shoulder. She said "I want that, now". Everyone knows when the wife says 'I want that' and then adds 'now', that means 'why don't I have it already'! So-o ...

We've been Linux users since 2007. We started with Ubuntu and stayed there until 2012 when they went all Unity on us, blech. We moved to Linux-Mint Mate and stayed there until two weeks ago when we moved to LMDE. My wife is blind in one eye and has distorted vision in the other plus 'floaters'. I've just got age induced moderate low vision. She prefers low contrast colors and themes which we just blunder into as best we can. Does anyone on list have some off the cuff or some standardized tips, hints and tweaks for us to try for low contrast?

One more item, is there a way to include personalized desktop settings and current themes into a backup? Maybe I'll break these two questions into two emails if that's better.

Thanks all


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