On Monday, 08.05.2006 at 03:27 -0500, Miller, Marc wrote:

> The Debian way is to promote the availability of source code, but is
> that more important than worldwide adoption in general?  The focus
> should be on capturing the audience first, and converting commercial
> ISVs to the open source model after you have a captive audience.  Am I
> wrong?

Is one of Debian's (formal) aims "worldwide adoption"?  I don't think it
is...  Should it be?  That's less clear, but again I think not.

If, by making a superior 'free' (in both senses) operating system
*leads* to wider adoption, then that's a helpful side-effect, rather
than a goal, in my opinion.

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
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