+++ Ian Campbell [2015-09-12 15:55 +0100]:

> The other two subarches in the kernel are orion5x and versatile. I have
> no personal interest in either. My gut suggests that orion5x (the
> Marvell variant prior to kirkwood) is the one people might more
> plausibly still be interested in, but I don't know that any is actually
> still using it.

I think versatile is mostly there because it's the standard QEMU
target. So it's useful if you need armel under qemu-system. Not sure
if this has changed (and I may be confused on this matter).

> How much multithreading is there actually in building packages I wonder.

Anything using java failed to build on qemu (no multithreading) so
that may be an area where it happens (if java uses the offending
instructions for its thread support). And for other things I guess
they will build, but any thread-using tests will fail.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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