On 09/11/2015 11:58 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:

Summary: if people care about armel for Stretch, they should make
noise NOW and convince people it's needed and can/should be supported
in future.

Thanks for that post. Very timely, as I was about to recommend some QNAP hardware because of armel support in Debian. Perhaps I will reconsider that.

I am personally using 4 armel devices (OpenRD, Dreambox, 2 QNAP) and I like them very much indeed. They are all running Debian and I would really like to keep it that way. It's not like there's much else out there. For what it's worth, these are all servers not running any X applications whatsoever.

armhf is not going away, right? The RaspberryPi is also important to me at the moment.

arm64: I wish. I'd love a MiniITX board with ARM64, GBe and a few SATA ports.

Thanks again!


The trouble with common sense it that it is so uncommon.

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