I basically stumbled across this.  I just did apt-get update and I'm
running dpkg 1.17.25.  There's a page at
talking about an selinux change in dpkg 1.18.1.  I should do an
apt-get upgrade if my current apt-get -f install finishes but at this
URL is the same error message "cannot get security labeling handle".
Are some architectures behind others in getting versions of things?  I
thought they were all basically built by robots that copied source
code in, compiled, copied the binary into a deb.  Shocking :)

On 1/2/16, Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 5:10 AM, Alan Corey wrote:
>> With my Debian Kit installation on a phone (Motorola Mote-e2, Android
>> 5.02) I seem to be having selinux problems.
> I expect it is due to the Android version or build of the Linux kernel
> that you are using. Try to get the Linux build config for your device
> and compare the seLinux config options with those set in the normal
> Debian version of the Linux kernel.
> --
> bye,
> pabs
> https://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

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