What I have in my SD card slot right now is a Wheezy I set up about
February on another phone under Android 4.4.  No selinux issues at
all.  Unfortunately it's only a 64 gig card, it's armel instead of
armhf, and of course it's old.  But the cards function
interchangeably, it's like a multiboot computer or swapable hard

One was done entirely with Debian Kit, the 2nd I dubbed around with
debootstrap some myself because Debian Kit is a little dated. There
seems to be some difference in the way the bind mounts came out.  Once
I get more used to bind mounts it might be possible to put selinx on a
ro mount.

There's no chroot, although I chrooted temporarily while I was
installing, which might have been a mistake.  Both card partitions are
mounted on /data/sdext2 but dirs in the root of them appear in the
root with Android dirs (names don't collide).  This is the same with
both installations.  Linux /bin, /boot, /etc, /opt, /root appear in
the root with Android /cache, /data, /vendor, /xbin.  /proc is a
little strange.  That's a Linuxism I don't understand yet anyway,
coming from BSDs.

Mostly it's working, I just can't install some things.  Including make.

On 1/3/16, David Given <d...@cowlark.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 02, 2016 at 06:46:14PM -0500, Alan Corey wrote:
>> I basically stumbled across this.  I just did apt-get update and I'm
>> running dpkg 1.17.25.  There's a page at
>> https://fossies.org/diffs/dpkg/1.18.0_vs_1.18.1/src/selinux.c-diff.html
>> talking about an selinux change in dpkg 1.18.1.  I should do an
>> apt-get upgrade if my current apt-get -f install finishes but at this
>> URL is the same error message "cannot get security labeling handle".
>> Are some architectures behind others in getting versions of things?  I
>> thought they were all basically built by robots that copied source
>> code in, compiled, copied the binary into a deb.  Shocking :)
> As far as I know this is because dpkg is seeing that selinux is
> available and is trying to use it, but Android's selinux doesn't work
> like ordinary Linux's selinux and dpkg can't talk to it; so it error
> outs.
> I've been unable to find a solution --- I've pretty much had to stop
> using Debian in chroots on Android. I would love to find a way to tell
> the Debian chroot that selinux isn't available and it shouldn't even try
> to talk to it. However I can't find one.
> Sorry.
> --
> ┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
> │ "There is nothing in the world so dangerous --- and I mean *nothing*
> │ --- as a children's story that happens to be true." --- Master Li Kao,
> │ _The Bridge of Birds_

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

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