I extracted the Jessie and Wheezy(?) binary debs to grep them.  The
string "security labeling" is in the Jessie dpkg binary, it's not in
the Wheezy(?) one.

dpkg 1.17.25 has it, 1.16.16 doesn't. That's why the old version
doesn't give that error.  Now to find the source and look there.

Wondering what happens if I try to install a bunch of stuff, let it
fail, then remount selinux ro and do an apt-get -f install to try to
get in under the wire. Otherwise I don't think I can compile a changed
version if I make one.  I did find that holding my power button ~10
seconds will shut it down even when selinux has it locked.

On 1/14/16, Alan Corey <alan01...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Other people seem to be seeing this too with Android > 5.0 and recent
> Linux.  Debian Jessie and Ubuntu Trusty seem affected.  But I have my
> old SD card set up around 2/7/2015 and it works fine.  That would have
> been Wheezy I think, I had to modify Debian Kit to not install
> Squeeze.  I have at least that in my notes.  I've been using Wheezy
> for a couple weeks with no problem, but switch back to Jessie and I
> get the selinux problem again.
> Booted up fine this morning after I charged the battery.  But make
> isn't in binutils so I added it with apt-get, had to remount selinx
> ro, now I'm waiting for the battery to run down to reboot again
> because it locked again.  I just want to improve that error message to
> explain the error a little better.
> What would happen if I intermixed armel and armhfs executables?
> On 1/14/16, Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Alan Corey wrote:
>>> Maybe I should scrap this and reinstall.
>> Not sure. Either way, once you figured out the issue, please add a
>> section to the chroot on Android page.
>> https://wiki.debian.org/ChrootOnAndroid
>> --
>> bye,
>> pabs
>> https://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise
> --
> Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

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