(CC'ing some contributors in the thread who might be missing this mail 

I went again on this bug report (against tasksel) about the name of
the "standard" task (and description) being somewhat confusing.

The thread in this bug report is very long, but finally concludes that
a rewrite is needed in some way....with, as often, various (sometimes
contradictory) proposals.

The best compromise as of now, in the thread, seems to be:

Description: standard (non-graphical) core operating environment
 This is the subset of the distribution, installed by default, which
 can be added upon to provide a more featureful and tailored operating

The current description is indeed:

Description: Standard system
 This task installs a reasonably small character-mode system.

I think we might want to converge to something like:

Description: Standard (non-graphical) system
 This task installs a reasonably small character-mode system.

I think that actually the synopsis is to be enhanced to make it
clearer that the standard system is not graphical, which is certainly
the main flaw of the current wording. (note that the synopsis is what
appears in the menu during D-I).

On the other hand, the current long description is fairly clear and
includes a word I really like (reasonably) that makes it clear that
the contents of the task is essnetially a compromise.

Would anyone object to such change to fix this bug?


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