Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> > Björn's page is broken.
> >
> > There is no automatic testing propigaton of udebs. Period. All
> > propigation happens when someone tells me a good reason to put a udeb
> > into testing, or when they are all copied from unstable as part of a
> > release.
> Björn, I like the service and insight your pages offer very much. but, could
> you please "fix" your page, e.g. add a "disclaimer" ;-) and explain that
> there are some packages which are treated differently than others regarding
> moving from testing to unstable ?

Absolutely, as soon as I understand what the difference is.

base-installer is listed in update_excuses.html as all other candidate packages:

base-installer (- to 0.066)

- Maintainer: Debian Install System Team
- 2 days old (needed 2 days)
- base-installer has no binaries on any arch
- base-installer (source) is buggy! (1 > 0)
- Not considered

This is the input data my script uses, along with the Packages and Sources files. How 
can it tell that base-installer is being treated differently than other packages?

Just adding a blanket disclaimer is not helpful, IMHO.


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