
Steven Chamberlain <ste...@pyro.eu.org> writes:
>> Btw: should we remove fuse4bsd from unstable? fuse is now part of the
>>      main kernel.
> Aha I was wondering about that;  I'm not familiar with fuse, but seemed
> to remember the package was going away.
> A lot of packages still depend on that (empty) package:
>   * avfs
>   * bindfs
>   * curlftpfs
>   * encfs
>   * exfat-fuse
>   * fuse-convmvfs
>   * fusedav
>   * gphotofs
>   * jmtpfs
>   * mythtvfs
>   * plptools
>   * python-fuse
>   * rofs
>   * s3ql
>   * sshfs
> so I think we must add a Provides: (and Conflicts:) fuse4bsd to
> kfreebsd-image-*?  We should perhaps wait 10 days for 10.1 to migrate.

hmm are we going to have a kernel without its own fuse.ko in jessie? are
we going to remove 9 completely? If not maybe fuse4bsd should only be
changed to depend on either a 10 kernel or fuse4bsd-dkms (why is that a
recommends btw?)


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