On 12.04.12 Hilmar Preuße (hill...@web.de) wrote:


> I'd vote for contacting (d)ctt to ask for a comment.
OK, I asked dctt: pfo9mj.7jd...@preusse-16223.user.cis.dfn.de
(thread is in german). I got two answers:

1. Use polyglossia instead of babel when using XeLaTeX.
   In this case we'd look at a bug in dblatex generating invalid TeX
   input files for XeTeX.

2. The french.ldf file is broken, report it to upstream.
   Ulrike said the disadvantage of using polyglossia would be less
   translated strings in that package.

I'd vote for reporting against babel (as all other languages seem to
work), but I don't expect a fast solution.

I hate babies.  They're so human.
                -- H. H. Munro

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