Ralf Stubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am not sure if this helps debugging, but the fonts that where
> initially missing from psfonts_t1.map are the ones from bsr.map,
> bsr-interpolated.map, omega.map, xypic.map and eurosym.map. This are the
> map files (and fonts) provided by tetex-extra. I would expect 
> updmap to be called twice. Once during tetex-base configuration and once
> during tetex-extra configuration. This sounds as if update-updmap was
> executed during tetex-extra configuration, but not updmap itself.

That's a good observation.  Arne, can you please try to execute (as

sh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/tetex-extra.postinst > extra-postinst.lg 2>&1 

and send us the resulting file extra-postinst.lg.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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