On 14.07.2013 12:08, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> I do not see how the transition is affecting this option. If it breaks
> during the transition, it can also break a partial upgrade. Introducing
> apache2.2-common later can cause a broken wheezy->jessie upgrade when a
> user fails to upgrade the corresponding apache module. Is this correct
> or am I missing something?

Pretending we provided apache2.2-common, modules depending on the 2.2
version of the server had their depdencies satisfied. Thus, they would
be co-installable with Apache 2.4, they would migrate to Testing and so on.

However, if you try to enable such a module, it breaks the whole server
which fails to start as there will be symbol lookup errors at runtime.

We could possibly discuss your suggestion as soon as nothing in Debian
depends on apache2.2-common anymore, but for now that just adds more havoc.

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
IRC: daemonkeeper on Freenode/OFTC
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