On 14.07.2013 12:38, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> My point was that if modules had their dependencies satisfied in such a
> way, then dependencies are wrong even for a wheezy -> jessie upgrade,
> because as you later point out it would break the whole server.

They are wrong and this can get really nasty. I don't know who
introduced them this way back then but they hurt us now.

>  * The only way to prevent apache2 configuration from being purged
>    during upgrade is to keep shipping a package named apache2.2-common
>    and to have apache2 depend on it.

I am not sure this is the only way. Possibly it could be the other way
around and transition from apache2.2-common to apache2 through a
transitional package.

>  * The only way to ship a package named apache2.2-common is to add a
>    Breaks header listing every single reverse dependency with correct
>    version information.

That would be 100+ Breaks. I do not think that is feasible but that may
need a wider discussion.

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
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