Control: retitle -1 apache2 upgrade fails when apache2.2-common is purged in 
the process

On 2013-07-14 09:47:04 +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> You are likely using --purge-unused something similar causing the no
> longer needed package apache2.2-common to be purged.

Yes, actually I marked it as purged instead of deleted from the
aptitude UI. Note that "apt-get dist-upgrade --purge" has the
same problem (as I can see with the -s option).

> It is removed and purged very early during the upgrade.
> Unfortunately this package contains your apache configuration. At
> the time apache2 is upgraded, it notices there is no configuration
> left and fails. The issue here is not that the upgrade fails, but
> that your configuration vanishes. Papering over purged configuration
> in apache2's postinst is not a solution. As a first measure don't
> upgrade with --purge-unused. I am downgrading the severity, because
> it only happens when you purge packages during upgrade.

I now understand why some config files have disappeared. I thought
that this was done on purpose since AFAIK, these were the default
files. But if I understand correctly, even if the user had made
changes, they would be lost, which is even worse.

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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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