
I can't reproduce the issue here, but, banshee provides a mpris2 interface to
kmix that's not enabled by default (which probably should). Maybe enabling it
solves your issue.

I this blogs the kmix developers talk about the mpris2 support:

So, to enable you need to add MPRIS2 to the backends used by kmix, so:

kwriteconfig -file kmixrc -group Global -key Backends -type string ALSA,MPRIS2

If you are using ALSA, and:

kwriteconfig -file kmixrc -group Global -key Backends -type string PULSE,MPRIS2

if you are using pulseaudio, I haven't tested the pulseaudio setup, though.

Be prepared to manually edit your ~/.kde/share/config/kmixrc if something goes
wrong (just delete the line that starts with Backends= ).

Have fun,
"I decry the current tendency to seek patents on algorithms. There are better
ways to earn a living than to prevent other people from making use of one's
contributions to computer science."
-- Donald Knuth
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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