On 17/02/14 23:02, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> In article <5301ee99.7040...@theloosespoke.org.uk> you wrote:
>> Any thoughts??
> It seems that the PulseAudio mixer is called PulseAudio in kmix, so the
> kwriteconfig call should be:
> kwriteconfig -file kmixrc -group Global -key Backends -type string 
> PulseAudio,MPRIS2
> Also remember to quit kmix, and start it again for the configuration to take
> effect.
> Happy hacking,
Ah, that looks a bit better than the last time I tried it at least :-)
It's still not fixed the original problem ( to be clear on that, was
that when reducing volume using main slider / keyboard shortcuts, if
this got to the point of muting the banshee control, it didn't then
restore it again - that had to be done manually/separately).

Interstingly, the last command also gave it two! banshee sliders - see


<<attachment: kmixer3>>

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