On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:01:31 +0100, Holger Levsen writes:
>wow, that was quick, thanks!
>Will you try to get this fix into jessie too?

to be honest i don't think that's necessary:
. it's an annoyance-level issue, and doesn't affect the actual 
operation too much
. as the issue applies to the sign key only, collisions in that 
8char key id would require that your secret keyring is so full 
of weird gunk that a protesting duplicity would be the least of 
your worries.


Alexander Zangerl + GPG Key 0xB963BD5F (or 0x42BD645D) + http://snafu.priv.at/
"An NT server can be run by an idiot, and usually is." -- Tom Holub, a.h.b-o-i

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