
Thanks for your checksums,
I finaly got around to edit Blake Stone package list.

The first recommended engine for v2.1 is still "bstone",
I would swap it as soon as ecwolf support Blake Stone.


Is this help text ok for you or can I improve it ?

+help_text: |
+  <bstone> engine support all versions of Blake Stone,
+  .
+  <ecwolf> engine only aim to support the best version (2.1) that
+  is also the one currently sold by Steam & GOG.com;
+  but provides and enhanced engine with easy modding facilities.
+  .
+  Choose wisely (or choose both).
+  .
+  Blake Stone v3.0 is merely a discount re-release of v2.1.


game-data-packager will add a "?pp=<hash>" to the GOG.com url it generates,
this allow engine maintainer to get some revenue;
so when ecwolf get Blake Stoen support; you might be interrested to
request this 'pp' id (partner program ?).

It nows default to Scummvm id's.

(now there remain the question on how to split that with "bstone" maintainer)

Alexandre Detiste

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