> Em 30/08/2015, à(s) 16:07, George Danchev <danc...@spnet.net> escreveu:
> Excellent! Thanks for your interest.
> libburn, libisofs, libisoburn are team-maintained, so please have a look at
> the pkg-libburnia project on alioth. Bonus, Thomas Schmitt (in CC:)  who is
> also upstream of these has recently joined the packaging projects as well as
> the mailing list. I'm pretty sure he would appreciate some Debian packaging
> help.

I’m packaging libburn in version 1.4.0, closes bugs fixed for upstream
And fixe spelling. look my change log.

But send for mentors change log version is or 1.4.0-1 or

I have more difficult about debhelper 9 and compat version 9.
in build find debian/tmp/usr/lib/libbur…..
but compiling is debian/tp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libburn…

debhelper 9 changed new directories in debian/libburn/…

changelog in this moment.

libburn (1.4.0-1+nmu1) unstable; urgency=medium
  [Jose dos Santos Junior]
  * New upstream release
  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * debian/control:
      - Bumped Standard-Version to 3.9.6 (no changed needed).
      - Update Vcs to svn://anonscm.debian.org/
  * debian/copyright:
      - Update License format correct.
  * debian/rules:
      - Added hardening DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS
  * debian/watch:
      - Update watch for search  signature
  * Fixed spelling patch:
      - fix-spelling-mmc.c
      - fix-spelling-libdax_msgs.h
      - fix-spelling-cdrskin.1.
  * Bug Fix
      - fix-bug-cdrskin_timestamp.h.
      - New release closes bug libburn/sector.c (Closes: #690207, #246647).
      - Wrong stack usage caused SIGBUS on sparc when compiled
<------>  by gcc -O2 (Closes: #746254)
      - Only more information, don't have bug (Closes: #702621)

But, fixe resolve now

P: libburn source: package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version 8
(helpe me)

W: libburn source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
(helpe me)

X: libburn4: shlib-calls-exit usr/lib/libburn.so.4.93.0

I: libburn4: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/libburn.so.4.93.0

W: libburn-doc: embedded-javascript-library 
usr/share/doc/libburn-doc/html/jquery.js please use libjs-jquery
(helpe me)

I: libburn-doc: possible-documentation-but-no-doc-base-registration
(helpe me)

Thanks a lot.

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