Thanks Thomas

You check

Needs a sponsor:        No for Needs a sponsor: Yes
in mentors.

My work in libburn trash now.
If you need my help, stay here.

thanks a lot

> Em 30/08/2015, à(s) 16:29, Thomas Schmitt <> escreveu:
> Hi,
> J.S.Júnior wrote:
>>> I want adoption this package
> George Danchev wrote:
>> libburn, libisofs, libisoburn are team-maintained, so please have a look at
>> the pkg-libburnia project on alioth. Bonus, Thomas Schmitt (in CC:)  who is
>> also upstream of these has recently joined the packaging projects as well as
>> the mailing list. I'm pretty sure he would appreciate some Debian packaging
>> help.
> I am in the process to package current release version 1.4.0.
> If you are experienced with packaging, then please have a look
> at the proposed Non Maintainer Uploads at
> The particular changesets iare committed to SVN
> (mine begin at number 290)
> Any hint or instruction is welcome. Best with links to places
> where i can learn more.
> I am now mainly looking for a Debian Developer who is authorized
> to upload the three source packages and start creation of their
> 14 .deb packages per architecture. After all remaining flaws
> are sorted out.
> See also
>  "Direct contact to ask for Debian sponsorship of
>   libburn, libisofs, libisoburn"
> If you are at the start of a Debian maintainer carreer, then i
> can try to share what i learned during the last two weeks.
> Whatever, i need a sponsor now. If none of the contacted DDs
> replies until tomorrow evening, i will file Request For
> Sponsorship bugs, tagged as Intend To Adopt, Non Maintainer Upload.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

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