
J.S.Júnior wrote:
> > I want adoption this package
> > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=796145

George Danchev wrote:
> libburn, libisofs, libisoburn are team-maintained, so please have a look at 
> the pkg-libburnia project on alioth. Bonus, Thomas Schmitt (in CC:)  who is 
> also upstream of these has recently joined the packaging projects as well as
> the mailing list. I'm pretty sure he would appreciate some Debian packaging 
> help.

I am in the process to package current release version 1.4.0.

If you are experienced with packaging, then please have a look
at the proposed Non Maintainer Uploads at
The particular changesets iare committed to SVN
(mine begin at number 290)

Any hint or instruction is welcome. Best with links to places
where i can learn more.

I am now mainly looking for a Debian Developer who is authorized
to upload the three source packages and start creation of their
14 .deb packages per architecture. After all remaining flaws
are sorted out.

See also
  "Direct contact to ask for Debian sponsorship of
   libburn, libisofs, libisoburn"

If you are at the start of a Debian maintainer carreer, then i
can try to share what i learned during the last two weeks.

Whatever, i need a sponsor now. If none of the contacted DDs
replies until tomorrow evening, i will file Request For
Sponsorship bugs, tagged as Intend To Adopt, Non Maintainer Upload.

Have a nice day :)


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