Control: tag -1 moreinfo unreproducible

On Wed, 02 Sep 2015 at 22:20:03 +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> $ gpg2 --homedir ~/.caff/gnupghome.alt --list-key 
> 7C3AB9CFD230BD30DD009C591E7091B1F14A64A2
> gpg: checking the trustdb
> gpg: keydb_get_keyblock failed: Legacy key
> gpg: keydb_get_keyblock failed: Legacy key
> gpg: keydb_get_keyblock failed: Legacy key
> ... LOTS OF THEM ...
> gpg: keydb_get_keyblock failed: Legacy key
> gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
> pub   rsa4096/F14A64A2 2009-05-22 [expires: 2017-07-21]
> uid         [ unknown] Aaron M. Ucko <>
> uid         [ unknown] Aaron M. Ucko <>
> uid         [ unknown] [jpeg image of size 6064]
> sub   rsa4096/0ABAADF9 2009-05-22 [expires: 2017-07-21]

What's the return value of that command btw?  Does running the command a
second time afterwards (with the GNUPGHOME left by the first execution)
produce the same output and return value?  Same question with

Also, do you have any v3 keys in your keyring?  What's the output of

  gpg --homedir ~/.caff/gnupghome.alt --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint 
--with-colons --list-keys |
  grep -icE '^fpr:([^:]*:){8}[0-9A-F]{32}(:.*)?$'

(you need to set ‘--with-fingerprint’ twice to list subkey fingerprints
as well.)

I'm afraid it's hard for me to corner the root of the problem.  I tried
to migrate from 1.4 to 2.0 on a GNUPGHOME with and without a trust
database, with and without --trust-model=always, and couldn't reproduce
the issue.  So I guess it's tied to your particular keyring and/or trust
database somehow.


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