On Thu, 03 Sep 2015 at 19:14:59 +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> * Guilhem Moulin [Thu, Sep 03 2015, 11:46:42AM]:
>> Also, do you have any v3 keys in your keyring?  What's the output of
>> gpg --homedir ~/.caff/gnupghome.alt --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint 
>> --with-colons --list-keys |
>> grep -icE '^fpr:([^:]*:){8}[0-9A-F]{32}(:.*)?$'
>> (you need to set ‘--with-fingerprint’ twice to list subkey fingerprints
>> as well.)
> 84
> ;-) Have I mentioned that I installed signing-party a decade ago and used it
> rarelly, like once in 2-3 years?

No you did not :-)  v3 keys completely broken and are no longer
supported by GnuPG 2.1.  Caff support for v3 keys was somewhat hackish
at first (2004-2005), then was completely removed in 2005 (r110).

Currently it warns you of the existence of v3 master keys (and ignore
them), but there is no special handling of v3 subkeys.  It looks like
GnuPG 2.1 chokes on v3 (sub)keys; possibly because a trust value has
been assigned to those.

How many of these v3 keys are v3 subkeys of a v4 master key?  Does it
help to delete them?

    gpg --homedir ~/.caff/gnupghome.alt --trust-model=always --with-fingerprint 
--with-colons --list-keys |
    grep -iE '^fpr:([^:]*:){8}[0-9A-F]{32}(:.*)?$' >/tmp/v3-keys

    wc -l /tmp/v3-keys

    xargs -a /tmp/v3-keys gpg --homedir ~/.caff/gnupghome.alt 
--trust-model=always --batch --delete-keys
    caff --debug $KEYID

The above only deal with v3 master keys.  As for v3 subkeys,

    gpg --homedir ~/.caff/gnupghome.alt --trust-model=always --with-fingerprint 
--with-fingerprint --with-colons --list-keys |
    grep -iE '^fpr:([^:]*:){8}[0-9A-F]{32}(:.*)?$' >/tmp/v3-subkeys

    wc -l /tmp/v3-subkeys

    xargs -a /tmp/v3-subkeys gpg --homedir ~/.caff/gnupghome.alt 
--trust-model=always --batch --delete-keys
    caff --debug $KEYID

Thanks for your help in cornering this bug ;-)

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