On 11/10/2015 11:58 AM, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> I initially went for the 'apt-get install' solution to keep the disk
> footprint down by only installing hardware dependent packages on the
> hardware that needed it.  What is the reason for going with the
> dependency approach instead?

The primary motivation is updates on FreedomBox, which we want to start
doing soon.

- After upgrading freedombox-setup, the user will not run the /setup
script again.  If done as dependencies, when upgrading freedombox-setup,
we can pull in a newer version of a package, or an additional package,
if we need to.  Doing apt-get in post-inst script would not be possible.

- If we look at the current list of hardware-specific packages, that
being refactored, it is just flash-kernel (~100 KiB) and
firmware-libertas (~7 MiB).

The patch doing the dependency approach is a bit incorrect because the
dependency of flash-kernel can only be satisfied on ARM architectures.
The patch is now superseded by moving the bits into freedom-maker (below
is discussion on that).

> [James Valleroy]
>> Sunil suggested moving the hardware setup script to freedom-maker
>> instead. Then freedombox-setup can focus on configuring a Debian install
>> as a FreedomBox, while freedom-maker can handle making bootable images
>> for various hardware targets. This will also make it easier to add new
>> hardware targets.
> Isn't this going to place files in the installed system that do not
> belong to any packages and that will be hard to upgrade using 'apt-get
> upgrade'?

The following is the reasoning for doing this:

- The hardware setup process that we have is currently to take care of
boot stuff.  This setup happens only once and future kernel installs are
handled by the flash-kernel.  They have to be.  So, why not make the
first time also happen with flash-kernel?  We will need to two things
from flash-kernel: forcing device when running under chroot and forcing
the install location.  We might have to fix flash-kernel for this if
necessary.  After this we will have fixed a bunch of issues that arise
from mismatch of our first time assumptions and flash-kernel's later
assumptions (this happened with BBB recently I believe).  We can remove
a lot of hardware specific code.  We are open supporting a much larger
set of devices easily.

- Even now, the files that are created are not really part of any
package in strict sense.  We are not removing those files when
freedombox-setup is removed.  We are not upgrading the files when
freedombox-setup upgrades.  (This change is only for hardware setup
script and not for the rest of freedombox-setup that sets up LDAP,
apache2, sudoers etc.)  In case of Raspberry Pi, the kernel, modules and
other boot files are essentially installed by a script.

- All the hardware specific parts will only be in freedom-maker.  This
makes supporting new devices and maintaining existing devices much more

- By moving much closer to just using flash-kernel, we are getting
closer to Debian way of doing things.  We might be able to use d-i one
day for building FreedomBox.

- Installing hardware specific packages, such as the right kernel
flavor, is already being done by the freedom-marker.  There is a list of
hardware specific packages already over there.  We could add
flash-kernel and firmware-libertas there.

- Most importantly, for all the users who are installing
freedombox-setup package on an existing Debian, this hardware specific
code either does not run or will spoil their existing boot process.
(Debian installer folks seem to have a separate package for such code
called flash-kernel-installer.  This will setup flash-kernel during
image building but should never be installed on a regular Debian machine.)


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