Package: ca-certificates
Version: 20150426
Severity: important

Dear maintainer and security team,

ca-certificates hasn't been updated since April 2015.  Since then, 14
CAs have been removed from the NSS root store[1, 2].  ca-certificates in
stable hasn't been updated since October 2014.  Since then, 6 additional
CAs have been removed[3, 4].  ca-certificates in oldstable is even older.

This is concerning because some of the removed CAs have failed or are no
longer conducting audits, which means we have no idea what security
practices they are currently following.  Applications on Debian
which use the ca-certificates store still trust these CAs, putting
users at risk.  For example, the e-Guven root certificate, which
was removed from the NSS store in April due to "insufficient and outdated
audits"[5, 6], continues to be trusted in stable and oldstable.

First, could we get an update soon to ca-certificates that reflects these

Second, could ca-certificates be updated more frequently in the future?
Security Team, could updates to ca-certificates be pushed out through for (old)stable?

If there is an issue of manpower, I'm willing to help co-maintain
ca-certificates (I'm a DM) and prepare packages for
We're lucky that Mozilla runs such a great root program: it's thorough
and responsive, and aligns with Debian's values by being open and
community-driven.  Let's take full advantage of it in Debian!



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